Australian nuclear power plants rejected by states

Monday, June 5, 2006 Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian nuclear debate Australian media reports that Prime Minister John Howard is expected to push a nuclear energy inquiry through federal cabinet this week. Meanwhile, a list of possible sites for nuclear reactors has been leaked by the Opposition to media. The locations, […]

Pakistani parliament passes bill for transgender rights

Friday, May 11, 2018 On Tuesday, Pakistan’s parliament passed a bill at Islamabad’s National Assembly which granted transgender people various civil rights. The bill, “Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act”, which was presented by Pakistan Peoples Party’s lawmaker Naveed Qamar, was approved by the senate in March, and now awaits signature of the president Mamnoon […]

Anonymous people reveal animal cruelty at Australian Inghams poultry producer factory using CCTV footage

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Anonymous people submitted a video depicting employees of Inghams Enterprises, an Australian poultry producer, to Animal Liberation. The video displays animal cruelty at an Inghams plant in Tahmoor, Macarthur Region, south-west of Sydney. The video was recorded without the employees’ knowledge over a two-week period in February. Animal Liberation maintains that […]

New Zealand recalls squid boats

Sunday, May 8, 2005 In order to save the lives of seabirds, the government of New Zealand has ordered the recall from sub-Antarctic waters of the entire fleet of New Zealand’s 35 squid fishing boats. Once at port, the boats are to take on independent observers to ensure that they follow codes of practice. Violators […]

Airbus A380 safety test injures 33

Monday, March 27, 2006 Thirty-three people were injured during a test of the Airbus A380, a double decker superjumbo jet, in Hamburg, Germany. Injuries include friction burns from sliding down the escape ramps and one broken leg. 853 volunteer “passengers” and 20 crew members took about 80 seconds to evacuate the aircraft, beating the test’s […]

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